"It's good as an artist to always remember to see things in a new, weird way."
Tim Burton
Why I write
From the age of 4 I knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up - I wanted to be a writer (and a horse riding instructor, but seeing as I'd never ridden a horse that dream died a death). I loved to create stories about me and my friends going on adventures, following in the footsteps of some of my favourite books, like the Famous Five and Mallory Towers.
When I started secondary school, I discovered more 'grown up' literature, obsessing over every Jacqueline Wilson book and later finding a new hyper-fixation in Twilight. But I swear it wasn't just teen romance and vampires that I liked. I found a new intrigue in darker themes, exploring the depths of the human mind and becoming fascinated with how people worked. I began to look at this in my own writing, focusing on topics like suicide, domestic violence and death.
This continued into my time at the University of the West of England, where I took a Bachelor's in Creative and Professional Writing and then a Masters in Screenwriting. It was during the Bachelor's that I found my true passion in writing scripts for TV. I loved the idea of being able to watch a character's life play out, exploring their relationships, flaws, hardships and successes, all over a series of episodes.
I take a lot of inspiration from writers and directors, like Tim Burton, Guy Ritchie and Lemony Snicket, who all explore the weird and wonderful aspects of humans, as well as the darkness. In my personal life, I'm working on several TV projects, mostly around demons, death and ghosts - ironic as I hate watching horror films. I'm not sure where my inspiration comes from - but I won't go too far down that path!
Professional life
In my professional life, I've worked in quite a few different industries. These include retail, food services, publishing and now marketing for a hosting company.
At the publishers, I was an Editorial Assistant, working on editing and proofreading text books, exam papers and online educational games for school children. These ranged from primary school all the way to A-Level students. As part of this, I made edits to PDF versions of the text books, annotated the content following strict guidelines, and sourced new images on various stock image sites. As the books we were editing were to be sent out to different countries all over the world, I had to make sure that they complied with said countries laws and regulations for what children are taught - including religious beliefs,
As a Content Writer and Editor at Fasthosts, everything the public sees has either been written or edited by me. This includes website content, blog, social media, emails and paid advertisements. As part of this role, I manage a content agency, delegating certain tasks, briefing in content pieces and ensuring everything is aligned with the Fasthosts tone of voice and brand. I also manage the Pinterest account, coming up with new ideas to post each month and working with a designer to get them created. This also involves keyword research to find trending topics that will get the content seen each month.